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12 Şubat 2020 Çarşamba

From the Saint Barthelme Massacre to the Protestantization of Islam

From the Saint Barthelme Massacre to the Protestantization of Islam

Şaban Recai Öztürk                                                                                    27 November 2016

Paris, 24 August 1572, St. Barthelme Hallowmas Day; in the morning... Catholic French, dressed in white crusaders, attacked Protestants called Huguenot. As a result of the two-day massacre spreading all over the country, 60 thousand Protestants were killed by torture. Surviving Protestant nobles denied their sect, accepted Catholicism, while the common people took refuge in Switzerland and Germany.

Saint Barthelme massacre took place 448 years ago, left deep traces in European and Western history. Protestantism did not forget this event and accelerated rather than slowed down causing huge changes affecting our history and present. Such as the 1789 French Revolution, French laicism, English Protestantism and its continuation US colonialism; all could be considered as the rematch of the Saint Barthelme Massacre...

On this occasion, I will try to study roughly Protestantism, one of the four major divisions of Christianity, subjected to massacre in France 55 years after its declaration in Germany. Avoiding unnecessary details, I should look at the current events from the depths of time, such as the birth, the development and the splitting of Protestantism, Evangelicals, Greater Middle East, Moderate Islam, Interreligious Dialogue.

First, what did Christianity look like in the Middle Ages? It is also possible to go into the First Age, but it can prolong the issue a lot, and it should be addressed further later.
Christianity advanced slowly from the south of Europe to the north. In the X. and XI. centuries, feudalism came to the fore; the church lost its independence, but eventually became the ruler and guardian of the Bible heritage.

In 1054, Constantinople and Roman Churches excommunicated each other! The Catholic and Orthodox churches were separated because of the great differences of opinion such as “the Pope's error is not accepted by Orthodoxies, the Holy Spirit originating from God and his son Jesus for Catholics, and only God for Orthodox”. Eastern Christians founded the Orthodox-True-believing division.

Between 1096 and 1270, the Catholic world organized seven Crusades against Turks and Islam. After all, Catholics did not achieve their goal and were quite worn out in the Orthodox world in particular, in the Christian world in general. Meanwhile, the Vikings in the north were still idolaters worshiping Odin.

The Catholic world also experienced an internal division. Between 1378 and 1417, two popes served at the same time, one in Rome, Italy and one in Avignon, France. Although the Roman Pope eventually was the winner, it became very rich and diverged from the principles of the Bible.

In the 15th century, Christianity spread to the north and all of Europe became Christian, but at the same time, Renaissance started in Italy, in the heart of Christianity.
In 1492, Spanish Catholicism eradicated Islam and Jewish Judaism, then the inquisition came.

I come to an important date, 1517, and with a brief glance I remember our own history first. With the Ridaniye Battle in the east of Cairo, Yavuz Sultan Selim took the caliphate and ‘Haremeyn’, Mecca and Medina, holy place of Islam, under his protection. Piri Reis – Captain Piri - presented the first world map to Yavuz Sultan Selim in Egypt. Celali rebellions broke out, the attacks of the Ottoman Sunni against the Shiite, the Alevi in Anatolia started, the Turkmen fled to the mountains and distant villages with the Great Escapism event affecting the present, Some of the Turkmen started to become Kurdish (!) 

I also look at the Europe of 1517.

Those who adopted the 95 thesis of the German monk Martin Luther, who wanted the corrupt Catholic Church to give up its imposing attitudes and reform the Church, established the Protestant Church. With the emergence of Protestantism, the two-denominational Christendom, Catholicism-Orthodoxy, was divided for the third time.
Not so much, 14 years later, in 1531, the Christian world continued to split. Henry VIII, King of England founded the national Anglican Church reacting to Pope who did not allow him to divorce his wife and to marry another woman.

In 1532, another Protestant, French pastor Jean Calvin developed the Reform movement in Switzerland and France. Calvinism settled well in the Netherlands and Scotland. Calvin, one of the pioneers of capitalism in the economy, argued that no authority could enter between God and the servant, and that Christianity should be restored to its former simplicity. Calvin expressed the Christian philosophy of the bourgeois opposing Catholicism, which is suitable for feudalism. This is important.
With the 1555 Augsburg Peace, Protestantism was officially recognized in Europe, but sectarian conflicts were not over. Later, I will discuss this shortly as ‘Ottoman use of this subject for political purposes’.
Now I come to a very important date. In 1648, the Treaty of Westphalia ended the Thirty Years' War, the last of the bloody wars of religion between Catholics and Protestants. Meanwhile, Catholics were scattered and Orthodox, except Russia, bowed to the Turks. I remember that the Second Vienna Siege took place in 1683, 35 years after this date.
Peace of Westphalia is a very important intersection for the Western World. Let's stop here. There are also some important messages for us.
The conflict between Northern Europe which accepted the teachings of Luther and Calvin and the Catholic south turned into Thirty Years' War, one-third of the European population was destroyed, and religious unity on the continent was fragmented. The continent, known as ‘Christendom’ until that time, turned into ‘Europe’ in a worldlier term after Westphalia…

With the Treaty of Westphalia, the satellite states of the Holy Roman German Empire became independent from the Habsburg. The power of the church was restricted. Catholicism, Protestantism and Calvinism became ‘accepted religions’ in Germany. The ruled had to accept the sect chosen by the ruler. Europe was consisted of modern independent states that act according to their own laws, follow their economic and political interests, stand on the desired side, form and break alliances. Instead of the empire, a nation-state-based order began. State sovereignty was an absolute principle in the Westphalian system, internal affairs could not be interfered, minorities were internal affairs of the states, the states applied domestic legislation in the events within the country, there was no international crime concept.

Back to Protestantism ...

Orthodoxy emphasized mysticism rather than rationality, while Catholicism regarded the individual as a part of the whole, giving importance to the family institution. 

Protestantism organized social life on individuality. This difference is important.

When the countries of north and northwest Europe became Protestant, they translated the Latin Bible into their own language and began to worship from their own language. With the Reform, an opposite theology was developed against the practices of the Papacy, which forgives sins and guarantees entrance to heaven for a fee. It was suggested that, with extreme fatalism, it is written on the forehead whether the person will enter heaven, nevertheless, one should be good and do good. Since the confession practice was abolished, Protestant, whose sense of sin increased, was invited to get rid of his sins by working constantly, by accumulating what he earned, by acting morally and by favoring the needy persons. Unlike the Catholics, which focused on social sciences in education, Protestants preferred mathematics sciences.
 Now, by going to the crucial part of the subject, I will look at the return of Christianity to Jewish origin with the arrival of the Protestantism…
Protestants who did not regard Catholics as Christians who betrayed true teaching, carried the authority shared by the Church and the Bible to the Bible and then to the individual. In addition, Protestantism developed a new perspective against Jews, placing the Old Testament (Torah) at the center of the Protestant doctrine, adopted the direct acceptance of its provisions, without interpretation. Protestantism was largely influenced by Jewish literature and philosophy. Various Protestant groups returned to worship such as circumcision, Sabbath (Saturday holiday), an order of the Old Testament that was not practiced by Catholics, the Old Testament was tied more than the New Testament (Bible). Reform leaders in the XV. and XVI. century spoke Hebrew and studied Jewish resources. All of them were accused of being 'semi-Jewish' and even by being Jewish by their opponents.

Protestants also accepted the provision of the Old Testament that “Jews are superior to other peoples as God's chosen people.” In particular, Luther was influenced by the materialistic realism of the Old Testament and complied with the Jewish superiority. So, Jews saw Luther as someone who cleared the way for Messiah's second coming, freeing Christians from their wrong thoughts. However, Luther passed into history as a Jewish enemy with his writings against Jews in his last years!

‘Judaization’ that came with Protestantism was also the starting point of ‘Christian Zionism’. This concept, called non-Jewish Zionism, explains the mindset of the Protestants who wanted to establish a Jewish state in Palestine. The history of Christian Zionism is before Jewish Zionism in the first Zionist Congress, which aimed to establish the state of Israel by gathering in Basel in 1897. The idea that the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine would be one of the signs of the second coming of Messiah was first seen in the discourses of protestant leaders and theologians in the 17th century like Oliver Cromwell and Paul Felgenhauever. Many Protestant sects in the 18th and 19th centuries used the idea of the Jewish return to the holy land in accordance with the prophecy in the Torah as a base and came to present day. The Christian Zionists, estimated at around 20 million in the USA, are a subgroup of Evangelicals.

In terms of economy, important results came to open the way for today's global looters.
As a matter of fact, the main reason for the adherence of the Protestantism in Germany, the Calvinist sect in France and the Anglican sect in England was that their capitalists of XVI. century wanted a Christianity favorable for their lives. This became Protestantism and Calvinism.

The return of the Old Testament to the thought caring about this world, of the orientation to the matter instead of the soul, of giving secondary importance to the other world gave birth to capitalism.

The Protestantism, especially the Calvinist sect laid the religious foundations for the spread of industrial capitalism. The Calvinist sect believes that God's blessing is forgiven as fate only to some people chosen by God. When a Calvinist passes various examinations and temptations successfully, he or she believes that he or she is one of the God's rare, chosen servants. This election allows him or her to make a relentless effort and serve in the war of God, fed by a fanatic religious belief, rather than pessimism and subjugation.
While the Catholic Church, based on the New Testament provisions, Like Islam, forbidding interest, Calvinism influenced the Old Testament blessed the capitalist morality of interest and purpose, and became an important guide in the world economic history.
The financial requirement of the central nation-states, born in the Thirty Years' War, to feed the army, to create bureaucracy and to establish authority was also met by the Jews. Jews gained strength and dignity alongside the new rulers. Eventually, Protestantism including some kind of Judaism stormed through Northern Europe. But an interesting claim was raised. The Spanish-born Sephardic Jew Samuel Usque said that with the Reform, Jews took revenge on Christians, broke the Christian unity, and welcomed the Christians who accepted Protestantism "to take the path of Judaism".
Gradually, I am approaching the Evangelical sect, which nowadays is the owner of the the Greater Middle East Project and very powerful in the USA.
Evangelism can be counted as a cult based on the Protestantism, and then Puritanism that developed in England. The subject seems complicated, but I can't go any further without understanding Puritanism.

Puritanism is simply the ideal of establishing a Kingdom of God on earth. Unlike Protestants, who are formally adhere to the New Testament, the Puritans are completely turning to the Old Testament. They want Hebrew to be the official language, the constitution to be based on the Torah, and to officially celebrate the Sabbath Rituals of Jewish worship, to give Jewish names to children and settlements. In a nutshell, there is an extreme orientation towards Judaism. The Puritans draw the reaction of the British National Anglican Church, a branch of Protestantism. When King imposed various restrictions on the Puritans with the pressure of the Anglican Church, some of the Puritans emigrated to America and the Netherlands in 1620. Nevertheless, the Puritans left behind tried to overthrow the king. The Puritan army, founded in 1640 under the command of Cromwell, taking also Jewish support and finance, toppled King Charles I in 1649 and established a republic, which took 9 years until his death in 1658, based on the principles of the Puritanism.

Puritanism affected the American community the most. The first Puritans who emigrated from England to America saw the new country as ‘promised land’. Puritans even thought of changing the name of America to New Israel! Like the murder of idolater pagans living in "promised land" based on the Torah, the Puritans also eradicated the faithless pagan Indians to make room for God's chosen servants in America!
Now I finally came to the Evangelical sect, which became the religion of global imperialism.
The word evangelism comes from Evangelion, which means "real truth" in Greek. It means today ‘turn to the Bible’, but to Torah, rather than the Bible... Evangelism represents the radical wing of Christian society in America. The biggest characteristic that distinguishes the Evangelical sect from other Christian communities is their devotion to Jews and Zionism. The prophecies of the Torah such as “Jews are the Chosen People of God, the Holy Land are the property of Jews, with the arrival of Messiah, Jews will reach world domination” are fully accepted! The most important task is to support the Jewish sovereignty, to approve all kinds of aid to Israel! In short, for four centuries, Anglo-Protestant immigrants, who make up a quarter of American voters, have become the most central and durable component of American identity.
If I sum up; I can look at the USA as a product of Anglo-Protestant culture and faith. I can define the US National values as follows: “A system in which the Puritanist and Evangelical orders giving priority to the Torah and Judaism shine out; a system is overly individual, ambitious, blessed by working, winning; a system sees itself created to rule the world and believes that the management belongs to elected superior people.”
Now I come to Protestant associations and societies. This is getting more important. Because these are on the agenda often but piece by piece and how on earth, they are immediately coming out of the agenda!

There are two main societies that shape the New World Order. One is the associations formed by the Jewish lobby and its monopolies, the other is the associations founded by the "White, Anglo Saxon, Protestant" minority called WASP. Economy, politics and media, including especially Hollywood in the USA are shaped by these associations. Council on Foreign Relations, CFR, Bilderberg Group (BG) and the Trilateral Commission (TC) form the basis of these societies. The Zionist-Masonic-Evangelical societies also called the Deep World State (DWS) founded by the world's richest Jewish businessmen operate under the supervision of the Round Table (RT) established only by members allegedly from the dynasty of the prophet of Jewish Origin or Enlightenment-Illuminati. CFR determines the policies to be implemented in the USA and Worldwide, BG determines the policies to be implemented in Europe and TC determines the policies to be implemented in Asia. RT- Illuminati upper society is at the top of DWS’s decision making body!
The study of DWS and its extensions in Turkey is a separate subject. Because this is a very deep, complex, long topic which conspiracy theories constantly examined and sometimes exaggerated...
Unless mandatory, Jewish societies working financially and WASP societies working for the production sector, including the arms industry, do not conflict. But after September 11, 2001, WASP began to feel uncomfortable with Jewish societies that controlled the US and global capital, and clashes broke out between them. The bill for the Greater Middle East and Great Israel projects is getting heavy for the USA, the economic crisis is at the door and people remember Vietnam more consciously...

It is interesting. Although Protestantism says that the rational teaching of enlightenment is based on a secular trio of liberal democracy, human rights and the free market; for centuries it has led the world into confrontations, hostilities, conflicts and wars.
According to researches measuring the relationship between Protestantism and violence, wars in Europe increased two and a half times in the 16th century and seven times in the 17th century when Protestantism began to spread.

Now, the effects of Protestantism towards Ottoman Empire and to Turkey.

Suleiman the Magnificent was a major player in power balance geopolitics in Europe in 16th century. Against the spread of Europe, he skillfully pursued the policy of European imbalance. In particular, he tried to imbalance the Roman Catholic church and the Holy Roman German Empire of the Habsburgs. In the division of Catholicism and Protestantism, he gave financial support to Protestant countries. Some historians even suggest that Protestantism would never have been successful without the support of the Ottomans.

King of France II. Henry needed an alliance with the Ottomans against the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V. The alliance with France was already the cornerstone of Ottoman European politics. This Ottoman policy was carried out in parallel with the support of the German Protestant Princes, who tried to gain independence from the Holy Roman German Empire using religious differences. Suleiman the Magnificent forced the German Protestant Princes to cooperate with France against the Pope and the Holy Roman Emperor. He secured them against the conquests of the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman pressure between 1521 and 1555 forced the Habsburgs to make concessions to the Protestants, and eventually Protestantism was unwillingly but officially recognized.
In the 16th century, I remember, the Ottomans gave the tributary states Holy Roman German Empire of Habsburgs, Venice and Poland a form of independence and the same was true for King Francois I of France, who asked for alliance and help from the Ottoman Empire.

The Ottoman State recognized the Protestant elements of the Empire as a separate and independent religious community in 1847, 300 years after Suleiman the Magnificent and eight years after Tanzimat - the imperial edict of reorganization. -

So far so good; however, be aware of this: While Suleiman the Magnificent was stopping the Catholic threat and expansion, he did not realize that he had unintentionally strengthened and then encouraged Protestantism and capitalist imperialism, which was going to be more dangerous bringing the end of the Ottoman!

Now, Turkey of today...

According to official figures of the Union of Protestant Churches in Turkey, about 3,000 Turkish citizens, attached to the member church of the Union, adopted Evangelical theology. This figure is estimated to exceed 5,000, with church communities that are not members of the Union. The number of these is not much…

 ABCFM (American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions) is found when the foundation in question is researched. ABCFM is an American Protestant missionary organization and made a great contribution to the birth of Armenian terrorism through colleges established in the Ottoman territory.

 ABCFM is under the Evangelical WASPs, which have always held power in America. Of course, ABCFM believes that the state of Israel must spread in the Middle East for Messiah’s second coming.

I remember the Muslim Shiites waiting for the arrival of the 12th Imam Mahdi. According to the Shiites, the 12th Imam Muhammad al-Mahdi's 67-year ‘Little Hiding’ period was between 873 and 940. He disappeared shortly after he appeared, and the ‘Great Hiding’ period began and still continues; it is believed, at a later date, he will return to the world and bring justice.

Now, the role of the Fethullah Gülen community, a member of the Nurcu sect, in this game... This is a long and separate subject...

But in short, it should be noted that USA under the domination of the Evangelist WASPs have injected the moderate of Islam to the Middle East and Gülen community has been the most suitable candidate for Protestantization Islam. I remember that some Americans described Gülen as the Martin Luther of Islam...

Economically similar system is working...

In Turkey, Kayseri based small and medium-sized industry and trade, suitable for Islamic Protestantism have developed. The comparisons, debates between 16th century Europe and present Turkey continues. Appropriate theories are being developed to shape Islam economically accompanied by global capitalism.

Of course in second-class subcontractor roles…

So, for the first time in its history, is Islam, under the auspices of the US evangelical WASP, starting with a Protestantism in Turkey, trying to establish the Protestant sect of the entrepreneurial middle class? Then, in order for our Post-modern Islamist green capital to have the characteristics of the Protestant Calvinist sect, it must do something other than appearing religious with formal worship, reducing morality to sexual matters and to turban. It has to defend the nation state against the ummah, the Turkishness of the Qur'an and worship, the rescue of faith from Arab tradition, the abandonment of the Umayyad theology based on blind obedience, prevention of the interference of the clergy between the servant and the God, the mathematics rather than the religious education. Also, how to approach institutions such as laicism and adherence to modernism that can be summarized as Atatürkism?

If I try to make an analogy, how will they do the opposite of what the Arabs, considered the Catholics of Islam, do?

What will be the real understanding of Islam, embracing Prophet Muhammad's high moral, socialist, humble, interest forbidding; embracing Four Caliphs' fair, protection of the weak and elimination of the emptiness and meaninglessness of people; embracing the Sufi's cleansing the soul against matter, sparing and doing favor secretly?

How successful will be an operation based on the domination of materialist, ambitious, greedy, vengeance; glorifying to prosper in a short time, interest, unfair earnings and opportunism; loving flamboyant excessive consumption, individualistic and the sovereignty of particularly elected community members and even the invasion continuing in the center and in the periphery? If this issue can be explained well to Turkish voters, will it not be difficult to come to power?

How will the EU and the USA, Israel, and the new liberals, their partners such as the other sects the Naqshbandi, the Sulaimani, will be believed? Will the Fethullah community also give birth to the puritans and evangelists of Sunni Islam? Where can it go?

Does the claim that Protestantism and Jews take revenge on Christians also apply to Islam? Is this a paranoia? Is it possible to talk about Islamic Zionism like Christian Zionism?

Is moderate Islam waiting for Jesus to come and save humanity?

In the past, each religion was the religion of slaves, oppressed, prisoners, poor, nomads, peasants, then warriors, landowners and craftsmen. But then the divinity was constantly exploited, changed according to interests. Christianity's becoming the religion of the entrepreneurial middle class began with the Protestant reform. The roots of global looters have been powered form Protestantism and is spreading all over. Will ours also get a share of this cake?

How had the Hebrew Jewish doctrine and the first five books of the Torah delivered and adopted to some of the Catholic Christian priests in Germany in the 16th century? Why has it been so successful in transferring the principles of Torah to Protestantism and the sects and congregations it gave birth to? How did this poison begin giving as a medicine to Islam? Is there an antidote?

I finish the Protestant summary with very short reminders.

First, a short history of Judaism from a different perspective, which is often the main theme of the issue.

Persians, who made Zoroastrianism a state religion in 532 BC, sent the Jews back to Palestine as a reward. Around 520 BC the Persian outpost Israel / Judah state was established receiving the commercial privileges of the region. The Jews who came to Palestine exiled the native people, slaughtered Jewish communities such as Samarians and the Sabiis, the leftover People of Suleiman kingdom. Jewish rabbis, who were bankers, combined the Iranian Zoroastrian mog-Mogus (mullah) style with the Babylonian sorcerer (astrologer) and usurer priest and organized an effective class of priests. Around 500 AD, Mogus was the source of the name of the Sassanid occultism, which was a Zoroastrian interpretation. Mogus passed the western languages as ‘magic-la magie’. These monks wrote the Torah piece by piece from 600 BC up to 100 BC. The first five chapters, the Old Testament, consist of Sumerian-Babylonian legends and myths, and the later chapters of Persian, Phenicia and Egyptian legends. Heaven, hell, apocalypse, Messiah, angelic myths were taken from Sumer-Babylon and Zoroastrianism. The Torah is like a regional history filtered by the economic and political interests of the Jews. In summary, the merchant Jewish priests created a new religion, combining Phoenicia and Aramid paganism, the cultural background of Mesopotamia in Babylon and Zoroastrianism. Prophet Abraham's belief that those who believe in 'one god' will be saved and will gain the consent of the god was turned into a belief in 'the nation chosen' by the banker Jewish rabbi. The 'promised land' belief was only a promise of Persians to Jews in return for being used as a regional outpost. This promise was repeated in the 20th century by the UK, a member of the Anglican sect of the Protestantism and its successor WASP the USA. and the state of Israel was founded in 1948, as if the repetition of 520 BC.

Apologizing for your patience, Bahaism wants to be remembered...

Based on some religious orders that do not forget about pre-Islamic traditions in Iran, the Baha'i is a supra-religious sect. It tries to unite Islam, Christianity and Judaism. It is claimed that the name of Gülen of Erzurum, whose family migrated from Iran, came from a Baha’i hitman named Fethullah Kami, who attempted to kill the Shah of Iran of the Turkish Qajar Dynasty in 1844. What a coincidence; Prof. Dr. Suat Yıldırım from Marmara University Faculty of Divinity, in his Quran translation, cited that the Torah and the letters of Paulus were combined with the Gospel of John and Luke and Islamic hadiths, advocated that Prophet Jesus will return to the earth again, included footnotes of ‘There are also similar verses in the Torah and the Bible,’ shared the same house with Edirne mufti Fethullah Gülen in 1964!

Many more claims...

To conquer Turkey and the Turkic world, to unite the religions of the world with a pseudo-religious dialogue under the Baha’i, a kind of the Torah alliance, finally to proclaim Christ and the prophet Fethullah a follower of Nur movement! A conspiracy theory? I recommend to those who are looking for interesting topics...

The division of the sacred religions into sects, cults and lower communities by mutating over time, becoming an instrument of the interests of insatiable and passionate people, their negative effects on ideologies, politics, economy, military service and security should be evaluated well...

The West has always tried to use Islam and Caliphate. The Germans were behind the ‘Jihad Fatwa’ published by Sultan Reşat as he entered the First World War. The British on the opposite side did not stay idle either. They also had Makkah Emir Sharif Hüseyin ‘Counter Fatwa’ published. Hitler and the Nazis also used Mufti of Jerusalem Hussein in the Second World War. The so-called ‘World Islamic Union’ would be realized. After the war, the USA implemented similar thinking. ‘Islam against Communism’ would be a good tool. The fashion of those days, "Green Belt" is now forgotten. 'The Association Against Communism', 'the Science Circulation Society' and 'Board of Intellectuals' established in Turkey as well as the practices after September 12 1980 military coup under the West guidance are among the issues to be examined...

Now some questions may come...

When they say ‘bigotry, turban, religious high schools’ are we mislead? Is this a practice of an international hypocrisy? Is Turkish politics approaching the end of the Moderate Islamic preparations under general support of WASP USA, EU and international secret services, under direct support of various sects and communities, anti-Republicans, EU fan local liberals, NGOs masked with human rights, democracy, freedoms and peace as well as media and finally under the reinforcement of Kurdish separatists?

Is the next step a Protestant Reform in Islam? Playing the great role of Suleiman the Magnificent in 16th century, is the Deep World State, the organizer of the money and market religion, taking revenge of the West on the Islamic World? After Jesus comes again, when will some Muslims gather around him? Are the Contemporary 30 Years Wars or the expected Doomsday War being engineered within the Islamic World? Will there be a contemporary Westphalia Agreement in the Middle East? Will moderate Islam be divided into smaller sects and communities? Can the extreme wing of moderate Islam heading west again and dominate the West?

Will the Protestant Reform in Islam be launched also for Russia, India and China?
'Saint Barthelme massacre, Protestant sect, national Anglican Church, Calvinist order, Treaty of Westphalia, Christianity's return to Jewish origin, Puritanism order, Evangelical order, USA's WASP community, Deep World State, Ottoman support for Protestantism, Fethullah Gülen community's role in Islamic Protestantism, Islamic Zionism similar to Christian Zionism, the relationship between Judaism created by merchant Jewish priests, the Baha'i and Fethullah'… Is it too challenging to link complex issues such as these and to relate them to Greater Middle East?


However, the Eastern Question or the Orient Question is not over…

27 November 2016, Ankara.

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